Signature Blue
“Signature Blue Diamond”
Rock N Gold’s “Signature Blue Diamond” is reserved only for the custom jewelry designs that complete all levels of fine quality approved by Simon M., Master Design Artisan. Jewelry pieces awarded this special designation must demonstrate, not only the best in jewelry design and aesthetics, but the highest quality metals and museum quality gem stones as well.
The “Signature Blue Diamond” is a small round blue diamond that is flush set on the side of the custom jewelry piece; symbolizing Rock N Gold’s signature. As you explore our collections, keep an eye out for our “Signature Blue Diamond”. When you see it, you’ll know that you are looking at a piece that we think is among our very best work.

Explore our Exquisite Jewelry Collection
Immerse yourself in a gallery of exquisite jewelry pieces, meticulously crafted to captivate hearts and inspire awe. From dazzling diamonds to vibrant gemstones, our collection showcases the epitome of elegance and sophistication. Find your perfect piece and experience the joy of wearing extraordinary beauty.